Put A Little Magic In Your Vote


Let’s start by acknowledging the current political reality: There is a lot of cynicism around voting. People have lost faith in the parties and the process. Many are disappointed in their options and see voting as a necessary evil, while others just don’t vote at all.

Add to that the coordinated efforts now underway to keep Americans from voting, and the claims that the electoral system, especially vote by mail, is rigged and unfair. The overall effect is to create a cloud of discouragement, fear, and doubt around the 2020 election before it even happens. 

But this can change. All it takes is a mindshift, a change in how we see voting. We can shift from seeing voting as a stressful, discouraging individual task to an act of collective empowerment—something we do together, with and for our communities. 

This year, we’ve seen people rising up together with a shared intention to create a major awakening around social justice. With all the troubles this year has brought—pandemic, economic crash, unheeded calls for racial justice, storms, wildfires—our hearts are crying out for a government that cares about ALL of  us.

Can we imagine a government that provides for the people and works toward social justice, income equality, and protecting our environment? Yes, voting may be a small step, but it’s a necessary start to bring about the kinds of changes we want to see. 

We can use spirituality and magic to empower ourselves and our communities around voting. We can use ritual, spellwork, prayer, visualization, and other practices to help us see and feel our votes counting toward the government we need. Through the power of intention, we can become a heart-centered collective force with the power to bring in new voters, resist efforts at voter suppression, and carry even more impact in future elections.

Imagining the future we’re voting for is the first and most crucial step in bringing magic into voting. Creative visualization, a form of magic that uses the power of  imagination, has scientifically been proven to improve athletic performance and promote healing. If you’d like to experience this right now, take a few moments to try this visualization:

Sit or lie comfortably, and close your eyes if you like. Take some deep full breaths. 

Imagine that it’s Election Day, and that you’ve just learned that more Americans than ever before turned out to vote in this election. Imagine the feeling of realizing that an overwhelming majority showed up to vote for positive change, for economic and racial justice, for a government that protects the people and the planet.Let yourself feel that moment in your body. Notice what it feels like. Imagine the faces of those around you, as you realize that together we have turned that tide of change through our collective power of voting.  

That’s the vision. Of course, the challenge is manifesting it in the world. Circle Voting is about addressing this on two fronts: the metaphysical and the physical. 

To call in the better future we envision, we need to join forces on both the metaphysical and physical levels. To get involved, join us at circlevoting.com and on social media. 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/circlevoting

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/CircleVoting

Twitter: https://twitter.com/circlevoting  

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An Interview with Murray Edelman, Election expert, Early Activist and Faerie Elder.